On Embracing my Elizabethan Era
Elizabeth Erra Elizabeth Erra

On Embracing my Elizabethan Era

My “Elizabethan Era” is not about me being selfish at this juncture in my life, but about reflecting on what it looks like to live intentionally for myself. Taking action and partaking in activities that make me feel good or that I enjoy. The best part of this mindset shift is that self-love is not a destination, it’s a journey that is ongoing and takes action. Keep reading if you’re curious about a few ways that I am intending to practice radical self-love in this new phase of my life.

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Four Pieces of Advice I Wish Someone Gave Me Before I Started Adult-ing
Elizabeth Erra Elizabeth Erra

Four Pieces of Advice I Wish Someone Gave Me Before I Started Adult-ing

Your twenties are a transformative period, filled with self-discovery, challenges, and the thrill of independence. As a young black woman transitioning into adulthood, my journey is one that is marked by radical self-love. When I decided to stop letting life happen to me, and intentionally love myself enough to take my 20s by the reigns instead, I started to see major changes to my feelings of happiness. If you want to know how I changed my mindset to live a more fulfilling and satisfying life in my late 20s, then here are four pieces of advice to guide you through this exciting chapter of life.

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